This happens with stones. They show up in our life for a particular reason and when our journey together is complete, it is time for them to move on. Sometimes they break, sometimes we feel called to gift them to a friend, and other times they simply disappear.
I know, this may sound a bit odd. But perhaps you can relate. Maybe you have also found a stone on the beach or a trail that really moved you. Maybe, you picked it up, carried it for a bit, and left it in a new spot along the trail. Or maybe you even brought it home and gave it a special place on your mantle and then wondered if there was something more significant about this really cool stone that you just couldn’t resist. Well, there probably is. That little (or maybe big) lovely came into your life for a reason.
Throughout history and culture crystals and stones have been used to both empower and adorn political and religious leaders . . . and for good reason, their unique energy and frequency (in addition to their rare beauty) influences our energy field and ultimately our well-being.
Crystals are the bones of our great mother earth. They carry so much wisdom (from earth records to creative cycles) and they have taken quite the journey before finding their way into our hands. They have been heated, stressed, pushed, pulled, pressed tumbled, cut, fractured, weathered, and so much more. By the time we find our beloved crystal friend, it has lived quite the life and it definitely has wisdom to share about what is unfolding within our own life and how to actualize our dreams. Crystals are playful and work on subtle levels to impart their wisdom and activate transformation.

There are many ways to cultivate a relationship with your crystals. Here are a couple of my favorites . . .
1. Adorn yourself with it. Ok, I’m a jewelry artist, so I’m a bit biased here, but I truly think one of the most powerful ways we can work with our crystal allies is to wear them. When we do, our energy fields harmonize. We bond. Crystals work at levels that are often unconscious. They make gentle shifts to our energy field bringing us into harmony with their steady frequency, a vibration we need to align with in order to actualize our intentions. So, if we’re in love with a stone and we know it’s shaking up our world in all of the best ways, why not adorn with it?
2. Carry it. Throughout the day, there are moments when we are receptive and our crystals wait for those moments. That is when they pop in with an idea or insight that literally rocks our world. When we simply put a crystal in our pocket, purse, or wallet and carry it as we move about our day we create an opportunity for such moments.
3. Get still with it. Listen. Feel. Experience. We become familiar with our crystals when we pause. I often joke that ‘the crystals are calling’ and they are. They call through a vibration, an echo or rhythm that is incredibly subtle, yet can be felt when we are still. We may recognize this as an emotion, a physical feeling, or a deep spiritual connection. Each crystal serves a different purpose and while we can read about that in a book, first hand experiences are always more amazing . . . so create space for that experience.
4. Sleep with it. Sleep time is a time when we are receptive. It is a time when dreams are active and we are processing things that need our loving attention. Simple place a crystal under the pillow, under the bed, or on the bedside table and then in the morning, reflect.
5. Add it to an altar. Altars are sacred spaces. They hold our intentions, our dreams, and our visions. When we add crystals to this sacred space its energy is focused on our intention, and we rally its support in bringing our dreams to life!
And, most importantly, have fun! Your crystal popped into your life for a reason. Let yourself be moved. Be playful. Be creative. And open your heart to knowing (and loving) every facet of you!

Lori is the creator of the Priestess Pathway® and Journey Jewels™ certification programs, Journey Jewels® jewelry, and the Priestess Pathway® Podcast where she weaves the transformational practices of ceremony, ritual, crystal wisdom, shamanic journeying, and sacred creation to bridge the spiritual and physical worlds and empower men and women to stand in their true inner radiance.
You can learn more about Lori's amazing healing work in the world at www.LoriAAndrus.com.
Copyright Lori Andrus 2017