~Charles Cook

The idea that enjoying time in nature can make you feel better is intuitive. People who have been suffering from stress, tension, ill health, or a trauma can spend silent, contemplative moments in gardens, woods, community parks, the mountains, or near a body of water to heal. Nature is a source of beauty, which can give us a happiness that is inherently spiritual. Furthermore, nature's sights and sounds are often soothing, perhaps because they remind us of a heavenly alternative to the human world. Another reason for nature's value is that we ourselves are an innate part of it, though we often forget this. To bond with nature is to unite with the inner core of the self, where authentic relaxation dwells.
The uplifting qualities of tranquil natural environments have been praised in literature throughout the centuries. Become familiar with a pleasurable location near your home and make it a customary excursion destination: simply sit down for 20 minutes, letting your surroundings seep into your spirit; or go for a meditative walk alongside a river or the ocean. Embrace the setting with all of your senses — breathe in the smells, listen to the singing birds, taste the air, touch the soft earth, and observe the limitless array of splendid colors.
Spending time in nature brings healing energy. Nature teaches us to honor the stillness, adopt acceptance and welcome renewal. It is operating on its own, unhurried schedule, rather than under the deadlines that bring pressure into our daily lives. Grow to be a student of nature by learning from its slow, organic pace. Allow yourself to decelerate and absorb this free fuel for the soul.
Visualize Yourself as a Beautiful Flower
Nature's remedy to the pressures of tranquil natural environments are so potent that they can be accessed through the imagination, even if you're living in a busy city. The tree and the flower make fine subject matter for a healing visualization. Use a tree to invoke power, strength or exuberance in your life and a flower to invoke love, birth, unity, growth and connection. Below is a flower visualization: you may revise it if you prefer the idea of a tree.
1. Find a quiet place to sit comfortably. Close your eyes and take three slow, deep breaths, and let all thoughts be released out of your mind.
2. Imagine yourself as an exquisite flower bud, snugly closed, waiting for just the right conditions to be revealed, so that you may make your spectacular debut into the world. Picture yourself being nurtured by the tender drizzle of light rainfall. Feel the tantalizing pleasure surge through you, as the gentle and fortifying energy of the rainwater pours upon you in a cleansing shower, washing away anything that is unlike love.
3. Now, envision this nurtured bud being warmed by the mild rays of the morning sun. Experience the light of the brilliant sunbeams within you, radiating — settling into the area of your heart chakra to be absorbed and transformed into Divine Love. Circulate love and light within your heart center as you visualize your flower begin to unfold, each magnificent petal presenting itself like a gift of beauty reaching out to unify with the whole. See love everywhere, in every situation, and in every person. Revel in your radiance and splendor as you commit to eternally allowing your soul's light to flow and shine.
Loosen Up Like a Cat
Ease tension and stiffness in tight muscles by stretching like a cat. First, stand up as straight as you can with your feet facing forward and your legs slightly apart in a comfortable position. Begin to loosely roll your neck, shoulders, arms and wrists. Then, sit on the floor with your legs in front of you and rotate your ankles. With your hands, lift first one knee, then the other, bringing each one close to your chest. Wrap your arms around your knees and squeeze them in to your torso, giving yourself a hug in the process. Don't forget to open your throat chakra with a few MEOWS and a giggle or two. See how much freer you feel.
First seen in the November 2014 Wild Sister Magazine Issue. To view the magazine's latest issue, click here.