"My dear friend and colleague, Michelle Mullady shares with us the power of forgiveness. How forgiveness is a virtue, it is divine. But more than that it sets you free, from what weighs you down inside." ~ Angel Santiago
Tune in to listen to this podcast here! This episode featured music from Jordan Smith - "Stand In The Light" and from Inna Modja - "Forgive Yourself"
Set aside about 10-15 minutes for this forgiveness meditation:
Find a comfortable place to sit or lie down. Take a long slow deep breath in. And gently let that go. Let your eyes flutter closed. And again take another long slow deep breath in ... and gently release it. Now just float there. Watching your breath. Witnessing it as it gently flows in and out. Allowing your mind to calm. Allowing your body to relax. There is no place else to be. There is nothing else to do except to surrender right here, right now to this sacred precious moment.
Now drop your attention down into your heart chakra located at the center of your chest. Through the simple rhythm of your breath, find the point of peace within, where all is calm and tranquil.
One-by-one call forth each person into your imagination that you are holding onto resentments towards. Begin a conversation with each person on your list, expressing all of the frustration, sadness, hurt, and anger that you have felt. Tell them your story. Don't hold anything back. Once you have done this, explain to them that from this point forward you are going to call upon God and the angels for support to forgive them for everything, and to cut the cords that will dissolve and release all constricted energy between you.
Offer them a blessing and say, "I forgive you and set us both free to go on our own way and be happy."
When you have finished this process, scribble across a mental piece of paper with a brightly colored marker, "I now forgive and release you all in peace." Tear up the sheet of paper in your mind and mentally burn it as a symbol of your willingness to fully release it.
Say to yourself, "God, grant me the serenity that acceptance brings.
I invite you to come back to your breath, taking one more slow deep breath in and let that go. Wiggle your fingers and your toes. If you are ready you may open your eyes."
~ Michelle Mullady, iEvolve Podcast Meditation Transcript
If you are ready to do some deeper healing work around forgiving yourself and others, please visit my Spiritual Life Coaching page for more about how I can support you on our healing journey.
Michelle Mullady