Since it’s the month of love, I asked for guidance from the Divine to work through me to support all those that were guided to receive this Angel Reading for their highest and best, better than you could ever imagine. After a long meditation, I set my intention. I asked Spirit to work through me, to choose the cards and then share the messages of divine guidance for the greatest good of all. May you be open to receive…
***Please note that the cards I used for the past, present and future reading are Doreen Virtue’s, Magical Mermaid and Dolphin Oracle Cards and Toni Carmine Salerno’s Angels, God and Goddesses Oracle Cards.
Your Past …
The “Goddess of Psychic Protection” card reflects that you are still stuck in your past experiences and reactions which effect your present ability to open and heal your heart and mind completely so you can move forward with peace, acceptance, freedom and forgiveness. It's time to stop giving your power to your past and to these relationships. Choose differently to transform your present and future.
Be honest with what relationship comes to mind and what thoughts and feelings still trigger you. This is a clue to what still has yet to be healed and released. I encourage you, please do not judge yourself but celebrate that you have a newfound awareness that will free you to choose peace and acceptance. No one can still harm you from your past unless you give them the power to do so. You are a powerful divine spiritual being playing out this human experience and your soul is calling you to remember that you can choose again and your present is where your power lies . Your power is not held in the reflections of your past.
Your Present …
You can continue to replay the past over and over again; stewing, wondering and wanting it to be different but this will only keep you stuck and closed to the present or you can choose to receive the guidance of the second card “Contemplation Time” Spend time alone, meditating upon what you truly desire.
Ask yourself in this moment, if you could make a wish about what you would really like to feel in the present and the future in regards to this relationship, what would that feeling be? This is how you take back your power. You choose to create and return to love, especially self-love. If I were to coach you, I would encourage you to go into prayer and ask for healing and forgiveness for self and others. I would also encourage you to ask for the miracle you need to let go of the past. Then proclaim your deepest desire to feel what you truly want to feel within you, no matter what your past has been. Choose to return to the love and peace that is already deep within you (and can be found in contemplation time or meditation). This is how you take your power back and reclaim your present life to ignite your future.
Your Future ...
The second card, “Angel of Relaxation” Let go of desired outcome and you will get what you want. This is the surrender and acceptance card. You will also see the image of the Blessed Mother Mary on this card. She will help you journey and return to the infinite love in your heart if you ask her to. Surrender your pain, confusion, sadness, and any longing and desire for your past (or the relationship) to be different. Ask her to heal you on all levels and surrender the outcome. Pray for divine healing, divine resolution, divine miracles and ask for the divine outcome to be revealed. This is when alchemy occurs. Once you truly give it up through surrender, you will feel free and then you will be open to receive what the Divine knows you need to return to love and experience peace once again.
Are you willing to say this prayer now, to invite miracles to unfold?
Dearest Divine, Angel of Soul Love and Mother Mary please surround me in your unconditional love, healing and support. I am ready NOW to heal my past and all that no longer serves me that I am holding onto in the present moment. You know exactly what that is for me. My willingness and desire to return to love in the present is my wish and I am open to receive. I need your help and I am surrendering my past hurt, confusion, unforgiveness, anger and sadness. I am welcoming healing, acceptance, and unconditional love to reawaken in my heart, mind, body and spirit. My desire is to live my life with trust and openness to experience All That Love Is. I want to feel…(share what this is and only state what you want, not what you don’t want). I surrender this all to you and ask for divine healing, divine miracles and a divine outcome, better than I could ever imagine. Show me the way until I am one with the feeling of love and peace. And so it is.
Learn more about this beautiful miracle messenger at www.CreateHeaven.com