At this time, you will breathe into a quiet place. You may count down with each breath from ten to one. When you reach one, you will feel very relaxed.
In this tranquil space you will become aware of the energy flowing out from inside of you. This gentle loving energy begins to swirl all about you. You feel at peace. You feel loved. You feel the comfort of the Light within as it shines outward and upward towards the heavens.
This loving energy is clearing your mind of all criticism, judgment, doubt, worry, fear, resentment, and concern. It frees you of negative thoughts and replenishes your mind with profound peace and calm.
The energy now moves from the mind down into your heart. It washes away feelings of anger, blame, sadness, and replaces it with forgiveness. It cleanses your jealousies and regrets. Any feelings of loneliness and emptiness are now cleared away. Your heart bursts in expansion as the love of the universe pours forth purifying you, embracing you, and filling you up with the highest good.
You are perfect. You are complete. You are exactly who you need to be in this moment. You aren’t a mistake. There is nothing missing from you. There is nothing wrong with you. You are deserving of an abundance of love. You are abundant love. Acknowledge this at your core. You are a piece that makes the puzzle whole. Yes, you are dear soul.
Now, allow this light to envelope the rest of your body. As this occurs you feel deeply connected to this physical experience. You become awake and aware of your oneness with the Divine All. You are united in love with the rest of the world.
Breathing in and breathing out … give yourself permission to believe in the miracle that you already are.
My Inner Bliss™ Daily Affirmation:
“I allow my Inner Light to radiate pure love. My life is ever new. I live in the now.”
Michelle Mullady