Deeply loving yourself means not only accepting, but really adoring, each and every part of you, the entire package as a whole, and knowing at your core that you're valuable, important to the Divine Plan, deserving of great good, and lovable. It means being your best friend when life is going your way, as well as during those challenging and difficult times when it isn't as you would like it to be. Really loving yourself means that you stand by and up for yourself if that is what you need to do.

To live in a harmonious way, one where love is given and received in balance, loving yourself isn't an elective along your journey. It's a main course in Awakening 101. In order to tune in and listen to the whispers of your heart that let you know where you're being guided ... to be present for your thoughts so you can comprehend what you really believe ... to honor and live with an open heart center with full awareness of your oneness with Spirit ... you must first put into practice love for yourself.
Have you let yourself down? Do you reject aspects of who you are? Do you hide behind a mask fearful of revealing your authenticity? Let yourself see the truth, feel if that's correct. Then, do whatever you can to begin to fully learn to experience love for yourself exactly where you're at right now.
Learn to value how you show up and the way you deal with things. Love your one of a kind way of stretching, expanding and evolving as a spiritual being having a human experience. Love where you've been and what you've done. Forgive yourself if you made a lot of mistakes during the process of waking up. Even God can't change your past, but with Divine help you can create a better future. One that is filled with light and love for yourself and others.
Love your present moments. Love how you look, what you think and feel. Love every detail of the body temple you chose for this lifetime's adventures. Love the break lines in your heart and the radiance that flows forth from the river of wisdom that came to be because of the history around those cracks. Love your errors, and love all the good that you've delivered to the world. Love it all, beautiful soul. Love all of your sweet self.
Begin your day with this simple prayer for Divine Love:
Sit in your sacred space, focus gently upon your breathing. Breathing in and out fully and deeply several times to bring about a state of tranquility within your mind and body. Then, surround and protect yourself with the magical pink light of the universe. Place your hands across your heart center and begin to feel the energy held within. Visualize this radiant rose-colored love filling up your entire being as you recite this blessing.
Dear God and Beloved Angels,
May love enter my life and fill my heart and soul. May the magic of love continually inspire me to radiate warmth and caring to myself and all those who touch my life.
Michelle Mullady