1. Close your eyes, breathe deeply as many times as you need to in order to relax yourself completely and tune into your heart center.
2. Breathe your way beneath your worries, concerns, and busyness, letting each exhale easily carry tension and stress out of your body.
3. Bring an image of yourself to mind and send radiant waves of tenderness to all levels of your being.
4. Imagine speaking softly to yourself, whispering a phrase like "May the healing power of divine grace grant me the courage to recognize my magnificent spirit and believe that my unique light, gifts, and contributions are worthy and meaningful." or "May the angels of heaven encourage me to have unconditional love for myself, just as I am."
5. Feel the delicious truth that who you are, what you have, and what you do is enough. There's nothing you need to change in order to find authentic beauty. Love everything about you. You're made in the image and likeness of Spirit. There's nothing within you that's imperfect. You were created from pure love.
Michelle Mullady