Last month, I let myself be swept away by a metaphorical undertow of emotions after experiencing several weeks of deep introspection and intense planetary shifts. The perfect storm for being swept away included the Full Moon in Sagittarius (my Sun Sign), the first day of my moon time, a wise women gathering, and the study of the 7 Essene Mirrors of Relationship. I am humbled and blown away by how much I have yet to learn on my path to greater consciousness.
I choose to surrender to the undertow of transformation.
What I came away with from this experience is this: I am allowed to be who I am, as I am, in each moment. I do not have to pretend to be strong. I am allowed to show deep sadness and emotion. I do not have to lead all the time. I can receive. I have permission to honor the wild part of my Goddess nature. I can simply show up. I am allowed to be the hot mess that shows up in a perfect storm without making excuses or casting harsh self-judgement.
I choose to accelerate my evolution of consciousness.
I choose to dig deep and honor my soul.
I choose to practice ruthless compassion and passionate detachment.
I choose to participate in my wise women’s circle to learn, heal, and make the world a better place for my daughter.
Wise women’s work is rewarding, humbling, fascinating and draining. And at times, this work honors me with a glimmer of sweet liberation. Right responsibility is coming up for me now in a big way. As an enthusiastic teacher, facilitator and wise woman, I often feel like an elder. Part of allowing myself to be swept away was the realization that I am not an elder or a crone. I am a mother and sovereign Queen. When I share circle time with women in the process of becoming elders, I often forget my place and am pulled into the flow of elder energy with unrealistic expectations. Then I get impatient with myself (and others) because I’m not ready to step into the role of an elder. It’s no wonder I feel lost at times. I AM lost at times. Who isn’t?
My teacher Lorraine, simply invited me to show up (and continue showing up) to see what unfolds. She reminded me that I don’t have to know all of the answers. All I need to know is that I’m in the process of becoming a more present version of who I’m meant to be. I feel honored to experience this transformational process with my wise and beloved teacher and a circle of women who say YES to their Divine Feminine Unfolding.
1. Remain calm and practice compassionate self-care.
2. Identify where you are and surrender to the energy of your current situation.
3. Do your best to swim with the flow of your emotions until you can release them.
4. Do not expend all of your energy trying to get directly to the shore of your resolution.
5. When you experience a resolution (arrive at the shore), you’ll need time to rest and recover.
Questions for your contemplation and comment:
How do you care for yourself when you are caught in a powerful current of transformation?
Do you ever take on too much responsibility? How would it feel to share your load?
What might happen if you allowed yourself to show up without expectation?

Shann is a Transformation Goddess, lifelong media expert, bestselling author, podcast coach, and voiceover talent. She is the author of Life on Your Terms, and co-author of six more Best-selling books for women. Shann produces the Goddess Talk Sessions Global Event, The Divine Feminine Spotlight and co-hosts the award winning Anxiety Slayer Podcast with over 3.5 million listens. She loves to teach women to walk in beauty with the strength, courage and pleasure of reclaiming their feminine sovereignty.
Join her this fall for the 2nd Annual Goddess Talk Sessions at www.GoddessTalkSessions.com.
Copyright Shann Vander Leek 2016