Angels are an incredibly powerful part of your spiritual support team, who will do whatever they can to assist you in your life's journey. When you invite the guidance, love, serenity, wisdom and healing of the angels into your life, with a simple intention, or by asking for their assistance, they will respond, and they will do everything they can to help you.
The angels are energetic beings of light, so you can draw their higher vibrations to you by imagining yourself being covered from head to toe in white light. White is the color of purity, unity, honesty, and sincerity. White light, and angels of white light, protect and cleanse the mind, body, emotions, and spirit. White is often considered to be the absence of color…within this void is a direct path to your angels and a link to the Divine. When you visualize white light around you it ignites your soul's true essence and opens you up to healing miracles.
Follow these simple steps:
1. Find a comfortable place to sit with your spine erect and both feet on the ground, hip-width apart.
2. Allow your hands to rest on your lap, palms facing upwards.
3. Gently close your eyes, take three deep breaths into your solar plexus and as you exhale think to yourself, "Relax, let go, embrace peace" ...
4. Visualize a beautiful angelic presence of white light standing behind you.
5. See its feathered wings surrounding you with protection.
6. Imagine this being of white light channeling its spiritual energy into your body from the crown of your head down to the soles of your feet.
7. Allow this heavenly glow to flood into your auric field and every part of your body. See it flowing through your bloodstream.
8. Silently whisper your affirmative prayers for yourself and others.
9. When you've finished, bring your hands to your heart center, thank the angels for their beloved service, and open your eyes.
Michelle Mullady