And, if you were encouraged to look within to reclaim forgotten aspects of yourself, feel all of your feelings, reach beneath the belief that you are flawed, move beyond your fears of unworthiness, release the false ideas that you are not enough, dig deeper still past the years of alienation from yourself, what would it then be like to discover the radiance that is your core?
And, what if, after that, you learned to listen to yourself as you shared your truth to those with open ears? What if you knew those women would come to be specifically with you and sit quietly by as the Goddess awakened in your that, over time, companioned by the women, you learned to honor and worship and revere your Higher Self in the world?
True Sacred Soul SiSTARS want to help you cuddle your original goodness. They want to see you clear out and reclaim your inner spaces as your own. They desire for you to find sanctuary within your own life, so that you can accept all of yourself as worthy. These women build community, collaborate and nurture the brightness in all the women that they are blessed to come in contact with along their path. They seek God and celebrate any female's forward movement.
You must commit to memory how incredibly significant it is to respect other women. The most glorious vibrations light up the sky when another Goddess returns to her throne. There is no need for competition, comparing, drama, or revenge when you know that there is plenty of room for every woman to expand into her highest and best self. The world needs this more than ever for all of us to advance into to the higher realms and co-create a desperately-needed heaven on Earth occurrence for all.
At birth your loved ones knew you were destined to be in service to a remarkable and sacred cause. You are called to be an equal participant in the army of light, meaning you are being led to be a channel of Divine Love. Each woman has been entrusted by the Source Of All That Is Sanctified to rebirth gracefully everything that is superior in the world. You are only asked to be loving, compassionate, forgiving, respectful, and kind as you do your part in your little corner of the globe.
Join together now with other women to attract love by an intensified connection to your Higher Power that dwells inside every one of us. Meditate. Pray. Play. Claim vitality. Be responsible for the energy that surrounds you. Heal what you need to heal. Let peace begin with you to attract those Sacred Soul SiSTARS who come forward — who sense they are meant to be with you because they resonate with you as part of a corresponding, wholesome Soul purpose.
Breathing in...I call to myself my beloveds.
Breathing out...I imagine women who follow their intuitive impulses.
Breathing in...With their support I descend into the richness of my inner life.
Breathing out...I come home to the joy of happy, transformational, delight filled relationships with my soul tribe.
I visualize a sisterhood who imagines the divine in their image and likeness. Together, we trust a Deeper Knowledge to show us a way in which we will all win, a way that is tranquil, a way that will bring us greater healing and bliss. May we flourish one step at a time, coming together as a mystical community, to hold each other's beauty as we share mind, body, emotion, and spirit know-how.
Something magical happens when you come together with other women in a healing circle. Your spirit begins to soar. You share and transform yourself through the glow, love, and wonder that is mirrored back to you from other Goddess Soul siSTARS. You allow yourself the freedom to grow. Yes, there is profound relief to be found there, in the heart of a women’s circle. You become your most genuine, purest, most divine, human self. You are no one’s lover, mother, boss, wife in those hours there. You are liberated by the splendor of your sacred sisters to be who you truly are.
It's time for you to remember we're the daughters of God.
With Love and Joy,
Michelle Mullady
First seen in the May 2014 Wild Sister Magazine Issue. To view the magazine's latest issue, click here.
within you, through the ancient rite of circling, of
story sharing, of extraordinary women raising light
and seeing themselves in each other.
The purpose of this gathering is to gift women with an opportunity to come together as a mystical community, to share mind, body, emotion, and spirit experiences.
Get more details about this monthly event HERE.