From birth until death you will spend more time with yourself than with anyone else. Therefore, it is in your best interest to put some energy into developing the deepest relationship you can possibly have with the magnificent being at your inner core.
Each morning take about five minutes to stand in front of a mirror and lovingly look into your own eyes, as you say to yourself out loud, "I love and approve of you. You are Love and Light, Divine in nature. You are beautiful and wonderful exactly as you are. You are loved wholly and completely. You are Divine Love called into being. You are a bright Light in the world. I love being you!"
As time passes, you will acquire an appreciation and fondness of your own company. You will begin to understand that you are a valuable companion. You will discover new and wonderful ways to enjoy your own friendship. Loving yourself makes living less lonely and fills your life with limitless opportunities for serenity, joy, and sensational satisfaction.
My Inner Bliss™ Daily Affirmation:
“I allow myself to cherish the seconds, minutes, and hours I spend with me. I am deserving of my own loving attention. I celebrate the beautiful creation of Spirit that I AM!”
Michelle Mullady
Purchase my award winning book The Joy of Loving Yourself: 101 Ways to a Happier You at